Sanderson Health

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Roasted Sweet Potatoes


Preheat Oven to 335 degrees F

  1. Wash sweet potatoes with vegetable cleaner.

  2. Cut sweet potatoes into large chunks.

  3. Place sweet potatoes into a large mixing bowl.

  4. On low heat, melt 4 large tablespoons of coconut oil.

  5. Once melted, poor coconut oil into mixing bowl with the sweet potatoes.

  6. Stir potatoes and coconut oil mixture until evenly coated.

  7. Cover a baking dish with parchment paper or beeswax paper.

  8. Poor sweet potatoes onto baking dish.

  9. Place in oven at 335 degrees F for 45 min.

  10. Check on sweet potatoes every 15 min (depending on your oven, they may cook quickly or slowly).

  11. They should be nice and tender after 40 min.

  12. Once nice and tender, remove from the oven and place into a glass serving bowl.

  13. Top with cinnamon to taste.

  14. Enjoy!